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Our Services

Website Development

Website development is the process of creating, designing, and maintaining websites for various purposes. It can involve different aspects, such as web design, web programming, web content, web security, web hosting, and web analytics. Website development can be done using various tools and technologies, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python, WordPress, Bootstrap, and more. It can also have many benefits, such as increasing online visibility, enhancing user experience, improving customer satisfaction, and generating revenue. Some challenges are compatibility issues, security risks, maintenance costs, and performance optimization. It is a dynamic and creative field that requires constant learning and innovation.

main features

Website development is also a rapidly growing and evolving industry, as new technologies, tools, and trends emerge and change the way websites are built and used.

With our website cost calculator, get an instant quote for developing your website based on your needs by answering a few simple questions!!

Website Development
Welcome to Our Price Quotation Calculator

Our price quotation calculator has been meticulously designed with the best industry standards in mind. By answering just a few simple questions, you'll receive an instant quotation tailored to your specific needs. Here's how to use it effectively:

Start the Calculator: Visit our website and locate the price quotation calculator. Click the "Next" to begin.

Answer the Questions: You'll be guided through a series of questions related to your requirements. Each question is designed to help us better understand your needs and provide you with an accurate quotation.

Don't Worry About Empty Screens: If you encounter any screens with empty fields or options that don't apply to your situation, don't worry. Simply skip to the next screen. We understand that not all questions may be relevant to your specific request.

Provide Accurate Information: For the most accurate quotation, it's important to provide as much detail as possible. Please ensure your responses are accurate and up-to-date.

Review Your Quotation: Once you've completed the questions, you'll receive an instant quotation. Take a moment to review the details to ensure they align with your expectations.

Adjust and Customize: If you'd like to make changes to your quotation or explore different options, feel free to step back and change your selections.

Contact Us: If you have any questions, need further clarification, or require assistance during the process, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team. We're here to help.

Finalize and Proceed: When you're satisfied with your quotation, click "Email Quote" to receive a copy in your inbox and one of our agents will contact you within a few days.

We hope our price quotation calculator simplifies the process and provides you with the information you need. If you encounter any issues or have questions, please contact our support team for assistance. Thank you for using our service.
Section description
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Our branding services are a strategic investment that empowers you to shape your business identity, attract and retain customers, and gain a competitive edge in their industry. A strong brand identity is the cornerstone of a successful business, and our services are designed to help you achieve just that.

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Would you like us to do the branding for you?
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AI-powered logo design is a game-changer for businesses looking to create or refresh their brand identity. It\'s a cost-effective, efficient, and professional solution that empowers you to establish a strong brand presence in your market. With AI, logo design becomes more accessible and convenient, offering a competitive edge in the world of branding and marketing.

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Would you like us to design a logo for you?
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How many pages would you like? The number of pages is the sum of the number of items/subitems you want to have on your main menu.
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Please choose an option !
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Please choose an option !
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Please choose an option !
Please choose an option !
Please choose an option !
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User memberships open the door to a world of possibilities, from generating revenue to enhancing user engagement, and improving data-driven decision-making. It's a powerful feature that can take your website to the next level, creating a loyal, engaged user base that's beneficial for your business success.

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Would you like your members/customers to be able to login to your website?
Please choose an option !
Please choose an option !

Allowing users to create personal profiles on your website not only enhances the user experience but also opens doors to a wide range of benefits, from improved engagement to valuable data insights and monetization opportunities. It's a feature that can significantly contribute to the success and growth of your online presence.

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Would you like your members/customers to create personal profiles on your website?
Please choose an option !
Please choose an option !

Incorporating online payment functionality into your websites is a powerful tool for boosting revenue, enhancing user experience, and streamlining your operations. It's a feature that brings numerous advantages to the table, contributing to the overall success and profitability of your online business.

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Will you accept payments on your website?
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Please choose an option !

By integrating social proof on your website, you're providing a tool that can elevate your online presence, instill trust in your brand, and ultimately drive more conversions and customer engagement. It's an invaluable asset in the digital age, where customer opinions and experiences hold significant weight in the decision-making process.

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Would you like your members/customers to rate and review content/products on your website? (Google reviews, Facebook reviews, Trust radius)
Please choose an option !

The search option adds a valuable layer of functionality to your website, making it a valuable resource for users with specific interests and needs. While category filters work well for smaller inventories, the search function shines when dealing with extensive product lists or content-rich sites. It's an asset that elevates user satisfaction and positions you as a provider of efficient, personalized solutions.

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Would you like your members/customers to search content on your website?

(Your E-commerce website includes filtering options for the user to look at products/content by category and subcategory, you only need this search function if you have a very large number of products/content or if you specifically require this feature)

*this may require higher webhosting server specifications depending on the size of your operation.
Please choose an option !

A front-end CMS is a robust tool that places the power of content management directly in your hands. It simplifies website maintenance, reduces costs, and enables you to create a dynamic, up-to-date online presence that resonates with your audience. It's a feature that's pivotal in keeping your website competitive, efficient, and appealing to your target market.

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Would you like to be able to update/edit content on your website without writing code?

(Public interface to allow you and/or your customers/members to publish/edit content/posts on your website)
Please choose an option !
This option ensures that your website remains in top shape, consistently delivering an exceptional online experience.

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Your purchase includes 1 year support and maintenance
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The price must be at least 0 Please interact with any of the choices availabe above

Total 0


Our WordPress Website Development Service is crafted to empower businesses and individuals with a powerful, dynamic, and visually stunning online platform. Whether you're a startup, an established business, or an entrepreneur looking to make a mark, our expert team is here to turn your vision into a reality.

Members Login

Exclusive Access: User memberships allow you to create a tiered system where members enjoy exclusive access to premium content, services, or products. This exclusivity can attract and retain loyal customers.

Loyalty and Engagement: Member-only areas foster loyalty among users, encouraging them to return and engage with the website regularly. Members feel like a part of a community, making them more likely to support your business.

Data and Insights: User memberships provide a treasure trove of data. You can gather information about your members\’ preferences, behaviors, and demographics, which can inform better decision-making and personalized marketing efforts.

Monetization Opportunities: Memberships can be a source of revenue. You can offer tiered membership levels, each with its own set of benefits and pricing. This can create a steady stream of income for your website.

Improved Communication: Registered members are more likely to receive and engage with newsletters, updates, and promotions. You can use member data to communicate more effectively with your audience.

Building a Community: User memberships help you build a sense of community among your audience. Members can interact, share experiences, and create a thriving online environment.

Enhanced Security: Login systems improve website security by allowing you to control who accesses certain areas of your website. This is especially important for protecting premium content or sensitive information.

Targeted Marketing: With a database of member information, you can implement highly targeted marketing campaigns. You can tailor your messaging and offerings to specific member segments.

Increased Conversion Rates: A membership option can significantly boost conversion rates. Visitors are more likely to become members when they see the value in it, leading to more potential customers for your products or services.

Valuable Feedback: Members are often more willing to provide feedback and reviews, which can be invaluable for your business growth and improvement.

Personal profiles

Personalized User Experience: Personal profiles give users the ability to customize their experience on the website. They can set preferences, manage content, and tailor their interactions based on their unique needs and interests.

Improved Customer Engagement: Personal profiles create a deeper connection between your website and its users. By allowing users to create profiles, you encourage engagement, loyalty, and repeat visits.

Targeted Content Recommendations: With user profiles, your client can offer personalized content recommendations, improving user satisfaction and keeping visitors engaged for longer periods.

Community Building: Personal profiles can transform a website into a thriving community. Users can connect with one another, share experiences, and engage in discussions, fostering a sense of belonging.

Data Insights: Personal profiles provide valuable user data, allowing your client to better understand their audience’s behaviors, preferences, and needs. This data can be leveraged for strategic decision-making and targeted marketing efforts.

Enhanced Trust and Credibility: Users often feel more secure when they can create personal profiles. This can enhance trust in your client’s website and help in building a reputable online presence.

Member-Only Benefits: Your client can offer exclusive benefits and content to registered users, incentivizing them to create profiles and become active participants in their online community.

Efficient Communication: Personal profiles facilitate direct communication between your client and their users, making it easier to disseminate important information, updates, and promotions.

User-Generated Content: User profiles often lead to user-generated content, such as reviews, comments, and discussions. This content can be invaluable for building credibility and providing additional value to the website’s visitors.

Monetization Opportunities: User profiles can create opportunities for your client to monetize their website through targeted advertising, premium subscriptions, or e-commerce sales.


Instant Access to Specifics: The search option allows users to pinpoint exactly what they’re looking for with just a few keystrokes. It’s particularly useful when they have specific products or content in mind, bypassing the need for manual browsing.

Enhanced User Experience: Search functionality elevates the user experience, making it more efficient and user-friendly. Visitors appreciate the convenience of quickly accessing what they want.

Ideal for Extensive Inventories: When your client’s website boasts a wide range of products or an extensive library of content, the search function becomes indispensable. It reduces the time and effort it takes to find specific items.

Optimized for Specific Queries: Users can input detailed queries and receive tailored results. This means they can look for specific products, topics, or keywords, enabling a more personalized experience.

Competitive Advantage: In a crowded digital space, a robust search feature sets your client apart from competitors. It signals a commitment to providing users with efficient, tailored solutions.

Data-Driven Insights: The search feature provides valuable insights into user behavior and what they’re searching for. These insights can inform product offerings, content creation, and marketing strategies.

Beneficial for Content-Rich Sites: For websites with a vast library of articles, blog posts, or resources, the search function is an asset. Users can locate the content they need without extensive browsing.

Accommodates Diverse Audiences: Different users have different preferences, and the search option caters to those who prefer searching over filtering by category.

Awareness of Server Load: It’s important to note that while search functionality is valuable, it can exert a load on the server, especially for websites with substantial databases. In some cases, web hosting specifications may need to be adjusted to ensure smooth performance.

Customization: Your client can customize the search function to align with their branding and website design, creating a cohesive user experience.


Unlock the potential of your online business with our cutting-edge Ecommerce Development Service. We specialize in creating powerful and visually stunning online stores tailored to meet your unique business needs. Our team of skilled developers combines creativity and technical expertise to deliver a seamless and engaging shopping experience for your customers.

Social Proof

Trustworthy Reputation: Social proof showcases positive feedback, reviews, and endorsements from satisfied customers. This helps you build a trustworthy reputation that can influence potential customers.

Increased Conversions: Displaying social proof, such as testimonials and user ratings, can significantly boost conversion rates. It reassures visitors that they are making a wise choice by engaging with your business.

Enhanced User Engagement: Social proof engages website visitors and keeps them on the site longer. As people read about others’ experiences and successes, they become more invested in your products or services.

Valuable Feedback: By showcasing feedback and reviews, you can gather valuable insights that can be used to improve your offerings, enhance customer experience, and refine your marketing strategies.

Improved Decision-Making: Social proof assists customers in making informed decisions. It helps them understand what to expect from your business and encourages them to take action.

Competitive Advantage: In a competitive market, displaying social proof can set you apart from the competition. It’s a compelling way to demonstrate that you provide real value and satisfaction to your customers.

Strengthened Customer Relationships: When customers see their feedback and reviews being shared as social proof, it strengthens their bond with your business. It shows that you values their input and experiences.

Brand Credibility: Building credibility is essential for long-term success. Social proof positions your brand as a credible and reliable choice in the eyes of potential customers.

Easy Implementation: The integration of social proof is straightforward and doesn’t require extensive technical expertise. It’s an effective way to enhance the website without complexity.

Positive Brand Image: Positive testimonials, user reviews, and endorsements contribute to a positive brand image, which can lead to increased customer loyalty and advocacy.


Increased Sales: By offering the ability to accept payments online, your customers can convert website visitors into paying customers, leading to increased sales and revenue.

Convenience for Customers: Customers appreciate the convenience of making payments without leaving the website. This frictionless experience can lead to higher customer satisfaction.

Expanded Market Reach: Online payments enable your clients to tap into a broader customer base. They can attract customers from different geographical locations, expanding their market reach.

Quick and Secure Transactions: Online payment processing ensures swift and secure transactions. Customers can trust that their financial information is handled with the utmost security.

Reduced Administrative Tasks: Automating payment processes means less manual work for your clients. This can save them time and resources, allowing them to focus on growing their business.

Subscription and Recurring Payments: Online payment integration supports subscription models and recurring payments, creating a predictable income stream for your clients.

Enhanced Professionalism: Accepting payments on your website enhances your  professionalism. It instills trust and confidence in your brand.

Data Insights: Online payment systems provide valuable data on customer buying behavior and trends. This data can inform marketing strategies and product offerings.

Competitive Edge: Offering online payments sets your clients apart from competitors who may not provide this convenience. It’s a competitive advantage in today’s digital landscape.

Improved Cash Flow: Online payments result in faster transactions and cash flow. This can benefit your clients’ financial stability and growth.


Ongoing Security: With one year of free website maintenance, you can enjoy continuous security updates, protecting your website from potential threats and vulnerabilities.

Peace of Mind: Website maintenance offers peace of mind. You can be rest assured that your website is in capable hands, allowing you to focus on your core business activities.

Improved Performance: Regular maintenance ensures that the website functions at peak performance. It includes updates that enhance loading speeds, user experience, and functionality.

Bug Fixes: Maintenance addresses and resolves any glitches or issues that may arise, guaranteeing a seamless user experience.

Software Updates: Website maintenance includes essential software updates for CMS, plugins, and other components. These updates are crucial for performance, security, and compatibility.

Content Updates: You can easily request content updates during the maintenance period, keeping your website’s information up to date and relevant.

Backup and Recovery: Regular backups are part of website maintenance. In the event of data loss or a technical issue, you can restore your website to a previous state.

Search Engine Optimization: Maintenance includes SEO updates to ensure your clients’ website remains visible and competitive in search engine rankings.

Enhanced User Experience: Website maintenance aims to provide the best possible user experience, encouraging repeat visits and conversions.

Cost-Efficiency: The included one-year maintenance period is a cost-effective solution. You won’t need to invest separately in maintenance services during this period.


In an era where content is king, we understand the critical role that engaging, relevant, and well-crafted content plays in attracting and retaining your audience. Our Content Generation Development Service is designed to elevate your online presence by seamlessly integrating cutting-edge technology with captivating storytelling.

Content Management

User-Friendly Content Updates: With a front-end CMS, you can easily manage and update your website’s content without the need for technical expertise. It simplifies content editing, making it accessible to non-technical staff.

Real-Time Control: Content changes can be made in real-time. You can instantly update text, images, product listings, and more, ensuring that your website always reflects the latest information.

Enhanced Efficiency: Content updates are streamlined, reducing the time and effort required for maintaining the website. This means you can allocate resources more efficiently to other aspects of the business.

Content Customization: The front-end CMS allows you to tailor the look and feel of the website. You can easily adjust layouts, fonts, colors, and styles to align with your branding and messaging.

Empowered Marketing: A dynamic front-end CMS empowers you to run marketing campaigns with ease. You can swiftly update landing pages, create promotional banners, and adjust content to align with your campaigns.

Improved SEO: Regular content updates are a key component of SEO success. You can optimize your website for search engines by frequently adding new content, updating keywords, and ensuring accuracy.

Timely Announcements: You can swiftly post announcements, news, or updates on your website’s front end. This is particularly valuable for businesses that need to communicate with their audience in real-time.

Reduced Dependency: By providing a front-end CMS, you become less reliant on external developers or technical support for routine content updates. This reduces costs and enhances autonomy.

Content Consistency: A CMS ensures content consistency across the website. You can easily maintain a uniform tone and style throughout their digital presence.

Positive User Experience: The ability to keep content fresh and engaging contributes to a positive user experience. It ensures that visitors receive updated, relevant information each time they engage with the website.

Brand Identity

Professional Brand Strategy: Our branding services include the development of a tailored brand strategy. This strategy guides your business in creating a cohesive and impactful brand presence.

Unique Brand Identity: We work to create a unique brand identity that sets you apart from competitors. This identity encompasses visual elements, messaging, and core values that resonate with your target audience.

Consistency Across Platforms: Branding ensures that your business maintains a consistent image across all online and offline platforms. This consistency builds trust and recognition.

Targeted Messaging: Our branding services focus on crafting targeted and compelling messaging that speaks directly to your audience, fostering deeper connections.

Visual Identity: We help design a memorable visual identity, including logos, color schemes, and typography, that aligns with the brand’s personality and values.

Improved Customer Loyalty: A well-defined brand identity helps in building customer loyalty. Clients are more likely to return to a business that they can identify with and trust.

Competitive Edge: In a crowded marketplace, a strong brand identity is a competitive advantage. It helps you stand out and become the preferred choice in their industry.

Brand Expansion: A strong brand identity can pave the way for business expansion. It ensures that the brand’s reputation and recognition can carry over into new products or services.

Enhanced Marketing Efforts: A clear brand identity streamlines marketing efforts. You can more effectively communicate your value proposition and connect with your audience.

Long-Term Investment: Branding is a long-term investment in your business. It creates a foundation for growth and success over time, solidifying your presence in the market.

Logo Design

Rapid Logo Generation: AI technology streamlines the logo design process. You can receive multiple logo concepts in a matter of minutes, significantly expediting the branding process.

Cost-Efficiency: AI-powered logo design is a budget-friendly option. It eliminates the need for expensive graphic designers and reduces design-related expenses.

Professional Quality: The logos generated by AI are of professional quality, ensuring that your’ brand identity is visually appealing and aligned with your market positioning.

Customization: While AI generates logos, you can still customize them to fit your brand’s unique style and messaging. This allows for a personalized touch within a streamlined process.

Time Savings: Traditional logo design can be a time-consuming process. AI minimizes the time spent on design, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business.

Variety of Options: AI can generate a variety of logo styles and concepts, providing you with a range of choices to select from.

Brand Consistency: AI ensures that logo design remains consistent with the brand’s messaging and image. This helps in establishing brand identity and recognition.

Scalability: AI-powered logo design can scale with your needs. Whether you’re a startup or an established business, this solution adapts to the demand.

Versatility: AI-generated logos can be used across various platforms and marketing materials, from websites to business cards, ensuring brand consistency.

Accessibility: AI democratizes logo design, making it accessible to a broader range of businesses and entrepreneurs who may not have design expertise or a substantial budget.


ask us

Our Quote Calculator is designed to provide you with a quick and accurate estimate for the development of your WordPress website. By answering a few key questions about your requirements, you can get an instant quote tailored to your specific needs.

The quote generated by the calculator serves as an estimate based on the information provided. Once the quote is emailed to yourself, we will have record of it and an account manager will be assigned to contact you to further discuss your quote. Factors such as customization, specific features, and project complexity may influence the final cost.

Absolutely! You can make adjustments to your project details on the Quote Calculator page, and the tool will dynamically update the estimate. Feel free to experiment with different options to see how they impact the overall cost.

If your project has specific requirements that are not covered by the calculator, please generate a quote that is mostly similar to what you need, once it’s emailed our team will contact you to discuss your unique needs and provide a customized quote based on a detailed understanding of your project.

No, our goal is transparency. The quote provided by the calculator includes the estimated costs based on the information you provide. However, if there are additional features or changes during the development process, it will be communicated and included before signing the final proposal.

Once you are satisfied with the quote generated by the calculator, you can click the “email quote” button and fill your information. Once we receive your quotation an account manager will contact you to further discuss the process, and you will be provided with a service proposal. After signing the final agreed proposal you will be provided with a payment plan according to milestones, annual and monthly contracts, and fixed rates. Then you will be invoiced and billed according to your agreed payment plan.

Once you are satisfied with the our proposal, you will be provided the option to sign electronically or traditionally, once signed you will be provided access to your dashboard, where you will be allocated the specified space accordingly to upload your files and media to share with your account manager and project team members, schedule meetings, assign and complete tasks, approve or refuse jobs and much more! Be in total and full control of your digital presence.

Our website development service encompasses a comprehensive range of offerings. This includes but is not limited to our high performance managed hosting, custom website design, content creation, SEO optimization, mobile responsiveness, and the integration of multimedia elements. We tailor our services to meet your unique business goals and enhance your online presence.

The timeline for website development varies based on the complexity and scope of the project. Simple websites may take a few weeks, while more intricate projects could extend to a few months. During the initial consultation, we’ll provide a detailed timeline based on your specific requirements and project scope.

Absolutely! We specialize in both creating new websites and revamping existing ones. Whether you need a fresh look, improved functionality, or updated content, our team is equipped to transform your current website into a modern, user-friendly platform.

Yes, we provide ongoing maintenance and support services to ensure your website remains secure, up-to-date, and functions smoothly. Newly created websites get 1 year free maintenance, our extended support packages are also provided on the quote calculator.

Yes, SEO optimization is an integral part of our website development process. A big part of that is our high performance managed hosting which handles a big part of SEO and the fastest possible loading time for your website. During the development we employ industry best practices to enhance your website’s visibility on search engines, ensuring that it ranks well for relevant keywords and attracts organic traffic.

Security is a top priority for us. With decades of experience under our belts, and hence the reason for running our own managed hosting service, our web servers have top notch industry standard security. We implement robust security measures, including SSL certificates, secure coding practices, and regular security audits, to safeguard your website from potential threats. Our servers sit in the secure data center of InmotionHosting in California.

Thank you for reaching out to us! We're excited to hear from you. Our team will get back to you promptly to discuss how we can assist you in achieving your goals. We look forward to connecting with you!

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